Roundup is nasty cocktail, containing glyphosate and other chemicals used to kill plants and weeds. California has passed a final judgement saying that, Roundup, has a known chemical that is "a human carcinogen", and can be labeled as so in accordance to proposition 65.
U.N. World Health Organization, and has already deemed the chemical, "a probable carcinogen".
Other studies have suggested it potentially
causes developmental and reproductive problems, as well as non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Acute exposure to, and ingestion is toxic. The company that makes and sells Roundup is Monsonto. Monsanto is a bioengineering company that also created agent orange. They will protect and lobby against public knowledge at all costs.
A cover up by Monsanto and ties to the Environmental Protection Agency. E.P.A. has recently been exposed by emails between E.P.A.'s Senior Regulator Jeff Rowland, creating a conflict of interest . Rowland wrote, 'If I can kill this I should get a medal." Said to Monsanto's Daniel Jenkins in an email he wrote to colleagues in regards to any coordination with the C.D.C. The emails are part of a lawsuit from cancer patients and others in suing Monsanto in California.
One of the first things you see when you walk into Jerrys, Home Depot, or Lowes is a big dispay with gallon sized jugs of this product.
Roundup is in the final act of being required to be labeled as likely cancer causing, and a probable carcinogen in California. It already has been labeled as so by leading cancer research institutions around the world.
Sign this petition now and show these home improvement centers that we care about our personal and environmental well-being.
Now do they care about us is the question?
Update #47 jaar geleden
Walmart agreed to stop selling roundup, Will these companies listen?
Update #37 jaar geleden
We need to push against Monsanto even harder. Spread the word, the United States is no longer in the dark, our food system and government is corrurpt. We the people need to stand up for what is right!
Update #27 jaar geleden
Word is getting out, we have doubled our supporters in the last 24 hours. Share this with everyone, our support is going global. You can make a difference.
Update #17 jaar geleden
California has now passed a law requiring Roundup to have a warning label on it. We must unite and keep the word coming out! Thanks for sharing, we will never give up fighting for you.